We are delighted to announce that we have become an Institutional Partner of the CYBERSEC CEE EXPO & FORUM 2024,
which will be held on 19-20 June in Cracow. As ECCC Foundation, we will be there to underline the role of connecting markets and entities in the field of cybersecurity.

CYBERSEC CEE EXPO & FORUM 2024 is a key and unique event on cyber security in Europe. Since 2015, CYBERSEC has provided a space for the exchange of views, discussions and presentations on the biggest challenges facing not only society, but also the virtual world. CYBERSEC is not only a FORUM – it is also one of the largest EXPO spaces, which provides an opportunity to develop business contacts for key entrepreneurs from Poland and around the world, as well as a chance to showcase their innovative products and their services.


Register by buying a PRESALE ticket over 30% off the final price!
Tickets – CYBERSEC CEE EXPO & FORUM 2024 (

The 18th edition of CYBERSEC will be centered around merging markets and players in the field of cyber security and promoting innovative solutions in Central and Eastern Europe.

This year, both EXPO and FORUM have their own themes:

BRIDGING EUROPEAN CYBERSECURITY MARKETS – the essence of our EXPO zone’s moto is to build bridges between diverse cybersecurity markets, allowing for the interchange of knowledge, technology, and best practices, in order to face the challenges in the digital sphere effectively.



BEYOND DEFENCE – TOWARDS PROACTIVE CYBERSECURITY – FORUM’s leitmotif underscores the need to take a new approach towards cyber defense in order to effectively address today’s challenges. The goal is to go beyond the political aspects, focusing on the need for strategic thinking, knowledge sharing and the use of assertive tactics to strenghten Europe’s digital resilience.



Check out about EXPO – CYBERSEC CEE EXPO & FORUM 2024 (

Let’s build a cyber-secure future together. Join us on 19 and 20 June 2024 in Cracow!